After rice, I gave my baby sweet potato.
Sweet potato is a good source of Vitamin A, C, and Potassium.
It is also rich in fiber so I figured it would not constipate my baby.
First I peeled, and cut into small pieces, then boiled until it is soft enough
to be mashed with just a spoon. (About 20 min.) But I froze most of it
without mashing it. When I was ready to feed my baby again, I added
a little bit of water, microwaved it, and mashed it. For sweet potato,
I did not have to use a food processor at all. Actually I found out I can make
all kinds of baby food without using a food processor, which I am planning
on talking about in the near future....
My baby's reaction:
He loved sweet potato! I guess its sweet taste resembles breast milk.
I also noticed that he doesn't like it when it's too watery. He likes it
chunky. Oh, not to be gross, but his poop was just like what he ate.
I am so glad he did not get constipated.
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