When I was growing up, my mom often told me to eat lots of carrots because they are so rich in Vitamin A and good for your eyes. (Check this website out.) But unfortunately I did not like carrots so much when I was little, and ironically I am having a lasik surgery soon.
Now it's my turn to hope my baby would like carrots. Because carrots are not only rich in Vitamin A, but also a good source of Vitamin C, K, Potassium, Copper, and Dietary Fiber. That said, carrots are great for baby food!
Anyway, the organic carrots I bought were super skinny, almost as skinny as baby carrots, and it was a bit hard to peel. But I heard baby carrots tend to contain more water and they are not very flavorful compared to regular carrots so even though you can avoid annoying process of peeling with baby carrots, I still went for super skinny organic carrots.
After peeling them, I cut them into small pieces
and boiled them for about 40 minutes until they got nice and soft.
I should have cut into smaller pieces so they would have gotten boiled more quickly. Oh well. It is a learning process!
Then, I put them into a food processor. Surprisingly, this is the first time I used a food processor in making baby food. I thought I was going to use a food processor heavily when making baby food, but not quite so. Also, I don't have a fancy baby food processor that costs fortune. I thought about registering one, but let's keep it real. I live in NYC. Our kitchen is so small and I just couldn't find where to put it if I were to own one. So I busted out my small basic food processor, and it just worked fine. After pureeing, I put into a small servings and stored them in the freezer.
My baby's reaction:
He loved carrots. I guess that's because carrots are also sweet like sweet potatoes so babies tend to like it a lot. Hopefully he will eat lots of carrots growing up and will have good eyes...So far, my baby likes everything I gave him. I wonder if there are any food my baby wouldn't enjoy. I guess I will find out soon.
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