Before I had my baby, I did not care too much about organic stuff. But now I do, especially when it comes to spinach, must be organic! Spinach is listed in "The Dirty Dozen," which are the fruits and vegetables that have the most pesticides. So far, every vegetable I fed to my baby has been nothing but organic kind, and as far as the price difference between organic and non-organic products, it wasn't that much, I thought. With spinach though, I noticed that organic spinach is much more expensive than non organic one. But for my baby, I didn't mind spending extra money for it.

I chose spinach this time, because it is a good source of iron, and Vitamin A, C, K, and Folate. Another nutritious veggie. It's not sweet like carrots or sweet potatoes, but at least it doesn't have distinctive flavor so I thought my baby would eat it with no problem.
As I mentioned earlier though, there's only so much spinach I get even though I bought a big box of spinach. So what I did was I mixed with some other baby food that I had already fed to my baby. Like carrots and rice and spinach. I already know that he doesn't have any reaction to rice or carrots, so if he ever has reaction, I'd know it's from the spinach.
My baby's reaction:
He liked it as usual. I also tried to feed him just plain spinach, without any carrot or rice, but he still ate it with no problem. Great. Oh he is such a lucky baby. He eats all this fancy schmancy organic stuff while mama just ordered in Chinese food for herself.
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